Stuck on "Hang Tight"
If you're seeing issues during signup (or even issues when you try to log in or play GoNoodle), these are two possible reasons:
1) Your browser has an outdated cookie that is preventing GoNoodle from loading your account.
Please try clearing your browser's cookies, as described in the Clearing Cookies support article. Clearing cookies seems to work for most of our users who report this issue!
2) You might have ad blocking software that is causing certain components of GoNoodle to not load.
To your eyes, this may look like:
- Buttons change to "Hang Tight" but never resolve.
- Fonts throughout GoNoodle fail to appear.
- Points don't accrue when playing.
- Certain buttons don't do anything when you click them.
To resolve this, you should try these steps:
- Disable ad blocking software installed in your browser. The Disable Ad-Block support article describes how to turn off adblockers.
- Add as a "whitelisted" site in your ad blocking software. This tells your ad blocking software to trust GoNoodle and actions performed on our site.
If you're still stuck, please don't hesitate to reach out to GoNoodle Support!