Create and Manage Question Sets
Question sets are created and managed in the Questions Sets section, located in Curricular Resources. You can create as many question sets as you like, with as many questions in each as you like. Question sets are typically created for a specific topic or subject.
How to Create Your Own Question Set
- Click Curricular Resources at the top of the page
- Click Question Sets
- Click Create a Question Set in the White Box
- Name the Question Set that you are creating
- In the pop up, enter your question. Include a minimum of two options, with a maximum of four.
- Click to the left of an answer to mark it as correct. The gray Incorrect button will be switched to Correct. Each question must have at least one correct answer.
- Click Add it.
Repeat this process as many times as needed in any Questions Set. You can later edit, add, or delete questions as desired. Once you are ready, open the game of your choice and you can then use the Question Sets that you have created!
Manage Question Sets
To Edit, Rename or Delete an existing Question Set:
1) Click Saved Question Sets in the My Questions box. *You cannot edit Question Sets that GoNoodle has created, only your personal Question Sets that you have created.
2) Click on the set you want to edit then click on the question you want to edit.
To Rename a Question Set:
1) Click on the set you want to rename
2) Click on Edit Name
3) Make the edits and save
To Delete A Question Set:
1) Click on the set you want to delete
2) Click on Delete

To Edit or Delete individual questions inside a Question Set:
- Edit a Question: select the question from within the question set. Make any changes, and then save the question.
- Delete a Question: click on the question and then a red garbage can will appear.
- Questions can have up to 100 characters (including spaces), and answers up to 50 characters. Character limits are required so that content in games will be legible to all students.
- Questions must have at least two answer options.
- Questions can have only one correct answer.
- True/False questions: Add a true/false statement into the question field, and list True and False in the answer fields, leaving the others blank.
- Sight words: List one sight word per question field, and Correct and Incorrect in the answer fields with “Correct” set as the right answer. During play, select “Correct” when students read the word aloud correctly.
- Fill in the blank: Use underscores to create a “blank” in the question field.
Share Your Question Sets
You can share sets with other GoNoodle Educators. If you know other teachers who are studying the same material as your class, you can add that user’s custom question set into your account. For detailed information on how to share or import another user’s question set, see our Sharing Question Sets article.