Create a profile for each class

If you are a teacher that works with multiple groups of students, then you will want to create a classroom profile for each class.In order to do this, follow these steps:

  • Log-in to your GoNoodle (SuperNoodle) account
  • Click the avatar with your Champ at the top right of the navigation bar
  • Click "Manage Profiles"
  • Click "Add a Classroom or Kid (Home) Profile"
  • Select the "Classroom" profile type
    • Select your school 
      • When selecting the school where you teach, ensure note that you must search for the formal name of your school. For example,  if your school is called "Holland Elementary," but its formal name is "Mabel K. Holland Elementary," search by the latter. Also, if your school is named after the street it is on, type the street name out using words and not numbers .
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