The Champs

  • Flash Bolton: 
    • Flash Bolton lives in the Affirmations Alps on Lightning Lake–where lightning almost always strikes twice! This is where you will commonly find Flash racing around the track that surrounds Lightning Lake (Apple Sauce Speedway) and doing physical (and emotional) tune-ups in his garage. Flash’s emotions are translated through the weather forecast at Lightning Lake. If Flash is feeling sad, we see a cloudy sky. If Flash is happy, the sun is high and shining bright.
  • McPufferson:
    • Meet McPufferson, the most energetic Champ in all of the Champiverse! McPufferson has the attention span of a butterfly, and is known for bouncing back and forth, body and mind (which makes sense, because he is part bouncy ball, part bunny rabbit!).
    • McPufferson lives in the Affirmations Alps of The Champiverse, high upon the thinking cap of Patience Peak, and home to The Purple Palace. Within The Purple Palace is a library of infinite knowledge and choice called The Hall of Autonomy.
  • Squeaky Laroo:
    • Meet Squeaky Laroo, a highly sensitive Champ who is part goat, part butterfly, part shrinking violet.
    • Squeaky Laroo calls home to Harmony Hollow, a safe haven of sensory wonder and self regulation on the edge of The Vocabulary Valley. Squeaky is a shy, highly sensitive Champ who is often overwhelmed by her sensory experience of The Champiverse, but is learning to cope and understand her feelings more every day! She speaks quietly, but grows louder and louder the more impassioned she starts to feel, for better or worse.
  • Van Go:
    • Meet Van Go, the visionary and artist of The Champiverse. Whether he is painting a beautiful vista from his outdoor studio on Rainbow Rock, or using his powers of creativity for problem solving and play, Van Go is always learning about, exploring, and growing his powers of creativity.
    • Van Go’s home is Rainbow Rock, a brightly colored, outdoor art studio overlooking the vistas of the Affirmations Alps and the Vocabulary Valley. Rainbow Rock is a magic touchstone of inspiration and can produce tools and props needed for Van Go to create, instruct, or demonstrate. Rainbow Rock is also an ancient and wise voice of reason that can only be heard by Van Go.
  • Paz Petalhead:
    • Meet Paz Petalhead—she sure wants to meet you! Paz is the most flexible of the Champs—physically and emotionally. It’s always a good day to have a good day where she is concerned, but if you’re not having one, Paz is here to listen. Paz is always in the mood to practice and learn her heart opening exercises. Every hug is a group hug in her Gratitude Garden and all are welcome who need a safe space to talk, stretch, or just take a nap.
    • You’ll find Paz Petalhead meditating quietly in Gratitude Gardens, where all are welcome. Here, Paz grows flowers, compassion, and gratitude for all of the wonderful things we have to be grateful for!
  • Squatchy Berger:
    • Meet Squatchy Berger! He’s a young, growing Sasquatch but not your average Big Foot. While most Sasquatches are painfully shy, Squatchy is more enthusiastic, endlessly curious and friendly. The best thing about Squatchy is that he’s only seen humanity from afar which makes him the perfect candidate to pose humorous perspective-skewing questions that will undoubtedly cause kids to sit up and think.
    • Squatchy’s Cave of Question marks is filled with big rocks and big questions! It gets dark in here sometimes, but Squatchy don’t mind. Here in the Cave of Question Marks, there are no “stupid” questions, only curious wonder (and bugs).
  • Zapp Von Doubler and Nova Stemsteen: 
    • Meet brother and sister super-duo, Zapp Von Doubler and Nova Stemsteen. Although they are different, they are learning to be the ultimate dream team in their Collaboratory, where they invent, experiment, and COLLABORATE!
    • The Collaboratory is a gadget-filled space station high in the stars above The Champiverse where Nova and Zapp invent, create, learn, fail, and practice— working together!
  • Flo Yo:
    • Flo Yo is an energetic and athletic fish who loves to shake, shake, shake her tentacles. She enjoys taking photos on her shell phone, then posting them on Instaclam. She’s also an all-around jock. She dominates the Champ worlds of water skiing, water polo and water judo (an undersea sport where you wrestle killer whales).
    • Find Flo Yo in Selfie Shores. You can find her underwater at her School of Fish or on land taking shell-fies and hanging with her crab friends.
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