What is a DoAble?

What is a DoAble?

    • Each episode explores a skill or concept and has a well-matched DoAble for students to extend and apply their learning experience. DoAbles are differentiated in SuperNoodle to fit the various age-levels.
    • We decided on the specific name of DoAbles to encompass all of the fun classroom uses of skill-based activities for students. They are doable but not necessarily measurable, assessable, or standardized. 
    • These student-facing activities (in the form of a single sheet) are downloadable, printable, castable, projectable, and shareable. DoAbles can be utilized through a whole group, small group, or individual engagement, varying based on the class’s needs, interests, readiness, and of course the teacher’s choice.
    • DoAbles are valuable learning extension tools that are meant to be fun, relatable, playful, interactive, and engaging. These are not meant to check for understanding, assess knowledge, or evaluate academic skills.
    • DoAbles Reinforce Concepts by providing opportunities for students to practice and reinforce the concepts they are learning in each episode. 
    • DoAbles Engage Multiple Learning Styles as they are designed to access and engage through multiple learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic), helping ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to understand and explore the material.
    • DoAbles Promote Independent Learning by encouraging students to work independently, developing skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and self-reliance. This can foster a sense of confidence and autonomy in students.
    • DoAbles Provide Feedback to teachers as they assess their students’ understanding and progress. This allows them to provide individualized feedback and tailor their teaching strategies to better meet the needs of each student.
    • DoAbles Promote Creativity, imagination, and innovation in the classroom by encouraging students to draw, connect concepts, create stories, or solve puzzles in unconventional ways to stimulate the creative process.
    • DoAbles Create a Tangible Record of students’ learning progress over time as well as opportunities for students to reflect on their own learning journey.
    • DoAbles Facilitate Collaborative Work by bolstering turn-taking, negotiation, and healthy  social interaction among students.

DoAbles Bridge Home and School learning by allowing students to extend and apply what they learned in school at home, and involving parents in their child's learning.

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