Where is Maximo?

We have removed Maximo content from GoNoodle effective June 18, 2020. 

After receiving some feedback, we took a closer look at the content on our site to make sure it positively reflects the diversity of the world in which we live.  As a result, we've made the decision to remove Maximo from GoNoodle. 

We think it is vital for GoNoodlers of all backgrounds to have a joyful experience on our site, and we will continue to work tirelessly to ensure GoNoodle content reflects our shared values of inclusivity and positive representation.

While we know that Maximo activities were enjoyed by many of our users, we are hard at work creating new content that we hope will continue to brighten all of our users’ days while reflecting our drive for positive representation. 

We know this may not be an easy change for the millions of kids who use GoNoodle daily, and we know that having these conversations about our decision to remove Maximo may be tough. We compiled some resources over on our blog: Starting Tough Conversations With Our Children: Where Do We Begin? which may help.

In the meantime, we recommend trying some of these GoNoodle favorites:

Rainbow Breath - FLOW

Respiración de Arcoíris - and more in the En Espanol channel for Latino-Hispanic videos

Melting - FLOW

Bubble Breath - The Best Tees

Shoulder Rock 'N' Roll - Brainercise with Mr. Catman

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