Closed Captions on AppleTV

Captions are currently unavailable on GoNoodle's AppleTV app. We are looking into why they are missing, and we apologize for this inconvenience. There is no ETA for a fix yet, but we are working on it!

To turn on closed captions on Apple TV:

  1. From the Home screen of your Apple TV, select the Settings icon.
  2. Select General.
  3. Select Accessibility.
  4. Select Closed Captions + SDH, so it is set to On.
  5. Go back to the GoNoodle app and select a video to watch.
  6. While the video is playing, swipe down on your remote to see the Info menu.
  7. Go to Subtitles > English.
  8. Closed captions are now turned on for all activities.

To turn off closed captions on Apple TV:

  1. While the video is playing, swipe down on your remote to see the Info menu.
  2. Go to Subtitles > Off.
  3. Closed captions are now turned off.
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