The GoNoodle Sponsor Promise

What is sponsored content?

Sponsored content in GoNoodle comes in two forms:

  • Limited-time: content that has been produced by or with a third party for inclusion on the GoNoodle platform for a specific period of time
  • Partnership: longer-term content that may be sponsored by or developed with a partner

Why does GoNoodle work with sponsors?  

GoNoodle partners with organizations interested in supporting our mission to get millions of kids moving through fun, unique content.  Working with carefully selected sponsors allows us to broaden the reach of our message and to keep GoNoodle free for school and home use.

How does GoNoodle decide what partners to work with?

GoNoodle is interested in working with quality partners who want to demonstrate a commitment to getting kids moving! We work with organizations interested in promoting the health and well-being of kids, and who share our belief that channeling the physical and emotional energy of kids into positive, healthy movement can help improve their performance in school.

What are the criteria for sponsored content in GoNoodle?

At GoNoodle, we're committed to maintaining a safe and appropriate content library that achieves our mission of getting kids moving so they can be their best selves. To that end, sponsored content in GoNoodle always conforms to our Content Standards.

Is any data shared with sponsors?

At GoNoodle, we value and respect the privacy of our users.  We do not sell, rent, or even share personal information with sponsors.  Sponsors receive aggregated information about plays of their content. They do not receive information that would identify a school, teacher, or student.  

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